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Alzheimer's: know first, prevent it (Functional Medicine approach for Alzheimer's Prevention)

Alzheimer's Disease It is a disease caused by the deterioration of the function (Functional) and structure (Structural) of brain tissue. which is often found in the elderly

“It is not natural deterioration. Because not all elderly people need to have Alzheimer's.”

But it is a deterioration caused bywaste (Toxic Protein) a type called Beta-Amyloid or many types accumulating leewayin the brain and destroy brain cells causes brain tissue to atrophy makes neurotransmitters Acetylcholine that directly affects memory (Memory) decreases, causing damage to brain cells andcausing dementia symptoms (Dementia)

80% of dementia is still not completely cured
20% There are causes that can be cured, such as: Vitamin B12 deficiency

50% of the group that cannot be cured, caused by Alzheimer's disease
50% It is another disease that is similar to Alzheimer's.

It will gradually start from the Hippocampus part of the brain that plays a role in remembering new information. (short-term memory) then spreads to other parts of the brain Affects learning feelings, thoughts, language, and behavior. The total time from diagnosis until death is on average approximately 8-10 years

In the present era Alzheimer's disease incidence rate There is a trend of continuing to increase. and in people whose average age is younger This group of patients from the middle period onwards. Needs very high dependency on family members It is considered a social problem.

“ เนื่องจากโรคอัลไซเมอร์ สามารถถ่ายทอดทางพันธุกรรมได้ และปัจจัยทางพันธุกรรม อาจมีผลมากถึง 80% ”

Genetic testing (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) Therefore, it is important that the Apolipoprotein E (AopE) test can be used to predict risk. (1) Before symptoms appear (predictive testing) in family members of Alzheimer's patients to assess risk levels To plan prevention, surveillance, and frequency of screening. and adjust advice on how to behave more appropriate

In addition to genetic factors Accumulation of substances that are toxic to the brain, such as Mercury, Aluminum, Ammonia (2) or abnormalities in the waste excretion system in the brain (Brain Detoxification) or even deficiency of certain vitamins such as Vitamin D (3) (Vitamin D deficiency) In the long run, it may beCommon factors in causing dementia as well

Basic advice to stay away from Alzheimer's is: Train your brain to think often. through reading books learning new things Learn to assemble or use new equipment. Or you can play games. Optimistic Make your mind happy every day, practice your mind, meditate, and let go of stress. Exercise regularly and take care of your health so as not to get sick Don't let yourself become obese.

Nutrient balance (Nutritional balance) มีงานวิจัยมากขึ้นในเชิงป้องกัน ทั้งโปรแกรมอาหาร MIND diet Designed to prevent dementia Emphasis on eating nuts, whole grains, colorful fresh vegetables, berries, eggs, and fish, and avoiding eating processed foods or increasing the intake of foods with pungent odors. This causes the brain to create high amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide or rotten egg substances, which will help speed up the removal of toxins from the brain. It has been found to help prevent damage to brain cells. (Neuroprotective effect) and may reduce the risk Can affect Alzheimer's disease (4)

Functional Medicine therefore has an in-depth balance examination. which can provide additional information about Levels of chronic inflammation in the brain (Chronic Brain Inflammation) Passed the organic acid test in urine (Organic Acid Testing) andCheck accumulated heavy metal levels (Toxic Heavy Metals) For screening people who are interested Especially those at high risk. or have a history in the close family to plan the balance adjustment To prevent disease (Prevention) or even help in treating disease. (Complementary Treatment) to reduce the severity and progression of the disease.

Service branches

  • Praram 9 Hospital Branch
    • Phone number: 092-9936922
    • Line: @w9wellness
    • Opening-closing hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs.
  • Ploenchit Center branch
    • Phone number: 099-4969626
    • Line: @wploenchit
    • Opening-closing hours: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.


1.Apolipoprotein E and oxidative stress in brain with relevance to Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Dis. (2020)
2.A Hypothesis and Evidence that Mercury may be an etiological factor in Alzheimer's disease. Int J. Environ Res Public Health (2019)
3.Vitamin D and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer Disease. American Academy of Neurology (2014)
4.A diet rich in taurine, cysteine, folate, B12 and betaine may lessen risk for Alzheimer's disease by boosting brain synthesis of hydrogen sulfide. Med Hypothesis (2019)

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