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Check your microorganisms. Good health starts with a healthy intestinal tract.

“In the human body there are both good microorganisms. and bad microorganisms Good microorganisms promote good health. Microorganisms that cause disease, microbial testing It makes us realize how our bodies are out of balance.”


Get to know microorganisms

Microorganisms (Microorganism) are single-celled organisms including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Most of them live in the intestines. And other areas as well, such as the mouth, skin, lungs, urinary tract, vagina, there are up to 90% of all cells in the body. The body's cells actually have only 10%. If we want to be healthy, But we still neglect It ignores the rest of the body's 90% cells. How can our health be truly strong?

There are two main types of microorganisms.

There are both good and bad microorganisms in the gut. It all comes from our various behaviors, whether eating spicy food. Eating sweet food Regular use of antibiotics, stress, etc., all of these things disrupt the balance of microorganisms in the intestines. If the microorganisms in the intestines are out of balance The intestines will work abnormally. It can increase the risk of developing chronic and serious diseases.

Good bacteria (Good bacteria) Helps maintain intestinal health Inhibits the growth of germs that enter the body. Helps with excretion Stimulates the immune system, burns fat and reduces toxins in the intestines.

Harmful bacteria Digestion of proteins becomes carcinogenic. which when there is a large amount will not be completely eliminated in the liver and also causes inflammation If there are a lot of them, they will attack the good microorganisms. It makes the body weak and causes disease.

Today, thanks to scientific technology, scientists have been able to decipher the DNA of a number of human microorganisms. In their study, they found that this gut microbial population is actually incredibly linked to our health. 

People who have a microorganism in their stomach called Helicobacter pylori are more likely to develop stomach ulcers, tumors, and stomach cancer. than people who did not encounter this type of microorganism


Or if the balance of microorganisms in the intestines is damaged, such as having too much or too little of certain microorganisms. You may be more at risk of getting sick with various diseases, such as asthma and dermatitis. Multiple sclerosis, heart disease, obesity, or Alzheimer's, etc.

People who have a microorganism in their stomach called Helicobacter pylori are more likely to develop stomach ulcers, tumors, and stomach cancer. than people who did not encounter this type of microorganism

Modern research indicates that probiotics and prebiotics play an important role in boosting the body's immune system. It is also believed to help reduce the risk of brain diseases. Skin allergies, depression, etc. from the belief that when the intestines are good The functioning of other organs in the body will also improve.

Foods that contain probiotics (Probiotics)

Good microorganisms Or probiotics (Probiotics) are small, good living microorganisms found in foods such as sour milk, yogurt, kimchi, miso, etc. Having enough probiotics in the intestines helps. balance And reduce the chance of disease, such as reducing inflammation and infection in the urinary tract and vagina. Take care of the digestive system Maintain the balance of microorganisms in the body Inhibits the growth of opportunistic bacteria in the body. Cure irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation if the intestines are weak. The lymphatic system that is linked together is weak. Resulting in decreased immunity

part Prebiotics (Prebiotics) Helps build the immune system Helps metabolism and can resist certain diseases such as Hepatic encephalopathy, obesity and betabolic syndrome, reduced risk of coronary heart disease, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and eczema.

Foods that contain prebiotics (Prebiotics)

Prebiotics cannot be digested and absorbed by the body in the small intestine. But these foods are broken down into food for probiotics. Helps stimulate the work of probiotics, including onions, garlic, asparagus, artichokes, soybeans, kidney beans, barley, oats, whole grains and rice, bananas, apples, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. 

Who should? Check microorganisms

  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • Dermatitis, acne
  • Allergy rash comes and goes.
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Asthma
  • High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease
  • Eat processed food often
  • Obesity, impaired metabolism

Why is microbial testing important?

Did you know that 9 out of 10 cells in the body are “microorganisms”? If the microorganisms in the intestines are out of balance, It increases the risk of many serious chronic diseases. Including choosing to eat Probiotics appropriately because each person's microorganisms are different. Whether it's behavior or genetics, microorganisms in people change all the time.

Microbial testing is not like DNA testing because Human DNA cannot be changed. But the microorganisms in people can be changed. Therefore, examining the microorganisms in our body is equally important.

Salivary microbial testing


Oral Microbiome DNA Test, oral microbiome testing program The first line of overall health The oral cavity has the second largest number of microorganisms after the intestines. It is home to more than 700 species of microorganisms and there are more than 50,000 million of them. Just drink water. could swallow millions of microorganisms

no different from the intestines Our mouths are full of both good and bad microorganisms. And is the first step in bringing microorganisms into various parts of the body. If there are too many bad microorganisms It contributes to the stimulation of chronic inflammation. Diversity of oral microorganisms Therefore, it plays an important role in overall health. Because of the microorganisms in the mouth that are out of balance It is often linked to dental disease, gum disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Why do you have to test your stool?

“How you eat is what it is.”  I believe that many people have probably heard this sentence before. That's because most microorganisms live in our intestines. Other examinations It is not something that passes out of the intestines. Testing from stool gives the most accurate results.

From the above information, it can be seen that Microorganisms are extremely important to the body. Both in terms of benefits and harm to the body. Maintaining the balance of microorganisms in the body is therefore very necessary to help strengthen and reduce the risk of various diseases. very well We can do this by eating nutritious, clean food that is free from toxic contaminants. Reduce the use of antibiotics or use them only when necessary. Eating foods that contain probiotics and increasing prebiotics, etc.

How to collect stool

  1. Put paper on the toilet lid. to defecate
  2. Let the cotton swab poke and swirl in the stool. Do not allow the stool to stick together. Then insert the cotton swab into the stool sample collection tube.
  3. Break the cotton swab along the incision. By applying pressure to the cotton swab against the edge of the stool sample tube. Close the tube cap tightly.
  4. Put the stool sample collection tube in a plastic bag. with form Put it in a white, shockproof envelope. ready for delivery
  5. Tear off the paper and put it on the toilet lid. Let it fall into the toilet. Then you can flush out the water.


Collect stool at any time of your convenience.


If you have diarrhea, keep it on another day instead.


Recommended program

Oral microorganism testing program The first line of overall health that has the second most microorganisms after the intestines

price ฿10,000.00 baht


Special intestinal microbiome testing program, Premium Gut Microbiome DNA test, covering all 3 panels.

  • Receive free Personalized Probiotics based on 3-month test results, valued at 18,000 baht.

price Original price was: ฿47,000.00.Current price is: ฿39,000.00. baht

Package level: in-depth intestinal balance check in order to supplement with probiotics that the body lacks. It will help solve the problem more directly.

price ฿19,000.00 baht

Package level: in-depth intestinal balance check in order to supplement with probiotics that the body lacks. It will help solve the problem more directly.

price ฿19,000.00 baht

Package level: in-depth intestinal balance check in order to supplement with probiotics that the body lacks. It will help solve the problem more directly.

price ฿19,000.00 baht

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