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PM 2.5, a silent danger that you must be careful of

PM 2.5 is a toxic dust that Thai people must be careful of at all times. Because of pollution and various pollution In our house, these toxic dusts do not disappear. and is always ready to come back

How dangerous is it? When people in the city have good weather for only 49 days

Good weather has become a rare commodity. When data in 2022 found that dust surrounds the city and allows us to breathe good air for only 49 days, compared to smoking 1,224.77 cigarettes, which may result in a risk of cancer. and in many other chronic diseases that could be the cause of death While we still have to wait and see the cost of dust day by day.

Source: The World Air Quality Index Project

Source of PM 2.5 dust

  1. Dust from car exhaust pipes Especially in areas with heavy traffic congestion.
  2. Dust from all construction work Such as electric trains, tunnels, condominiums, etc.
  3. Dust from burning in the open air such as burning grass, forest fires
  4. Dust from industrial plants

Normally, this dust will gather in large numbers in the air during the night. before being blown away by the morning wind But if the weather is foggy in the morning, the air is still and there is closed weather This will cause these tiny dust particles to accumulate around us. When we breathe in it, it can be dangerous.

Dangers from dust that you have to be careful of

This bad dust Contains toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and arsenic, etc. and because of their very small size Just 2.5 microns (25 times smaller than the cross-sectional size of our hair) Therefore, this bad dust, in addition to easily escaping the filtration inside our nose, enters the lungs. It also escapes filtration from our lungs directly into the blood vessels. Penetrates the work processes of various organs When exposed to dust and smoke for a long time Therefore resulting in inflammation throughout the body. Affects blood clotting. The function of cells lining blood vessels results in chronic diseases, including

  • Heart disease, risk of heart attack and heart failure
  • Cerebral artery disease
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • lung cancer
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Acute infectious diseases of the lower respiratory system
  • osteoporosis

in addition The World Health Organization also places PM2.5 in group 1 of carcinogens. Since 2013, it is the cause of 1 in 8 of the world's population dying prematurely. And in 2019 it was also found thatAir pollution causes more deaths than smoking. The majority of deaths are due to cardiovascular disease (CVD).

How to protect and keep your body safe from dust.

1. Avoid – reduce Doing outdoor activities

2. Use a mask to protect against small dust particles PM2.5. which must be a mask that says Protects against particles less than 2 microns in size only.

3. Eat nutrients that help fight the dangers caused by PM 2.5 dust.

  • Vitamin A and beta-carotene Found in abundance in carrots, gourd, morning glory, pumpkin, yams, sweet potatoes, mango, papaya, etc. It helps to improve the efficiency of the lungs. Helps promote the respiratory system and immune system of the body. Ready to resist the toxic effects of tiny dust.
  • Vitamin C Found in abundance in berries and citrus fruits such as puree, kiwi, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, dark green vegetables, onions, etc. It helps fight free radicals that enter the body. and helps strengthen the immune system throughout the system Reduce allergy symptoms Various itching symptoms From tiny dust toxins
  • Vitamin E Found mostly in high-fat foods. Such as various types of nuts and grains such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados, egg yolks, etc., which help reduce inflammation and fight free radicals. Helps slow down cell degeneration and protect the lungs from dust and pollution.
  • Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 and folic acid or folate Found mostly in dark green vegetables. Soybean products, grains, meat such as chicken breast Lean beef, pork and seafood help reduce homocysteine in the blood. Prevent coronary artery disease This is because from exposure to small dust particles accumulated every day, it results in high levels of homocysteine in the blood.
  • Vitamin D Found in many types of fish such as tilapia, ruby fish, carp, sardines, mackerel, etc., as well as egg yolks, liver, milk and mushrooms. It helps to strengthen the immune system. Helps create white blood cells and capture germs. Reduce the risk of lung cancer Reduce the severity of asthma attacks caused by tiny dust toxins
  • Omega-3 Found mostly in sea fish, seafood and some freshwater fish. It is also found in dairy products, spinach, soybeans, almonds, soybeans, etc. It helps reduce inflammation and irritation in the skin. Helps prevent infection And helps strengthen cell walls in the body. Prevents negative health effects caused by tiny dust toxins.
  • N-acetyl cysteine It is a nutrient that requires the amino acid cysteine to help in its synthesis. Foods that contain the amino acid cysteine are found mostly in red meat such as pork chops and beef steak, and in grains. Low-fat yogurt, eggs, watermelon, onions, garlic, wheat germ, etc. help reduce the adhesion of germs in the respiratory system. Reduce the risk of respiratory disease. Helps eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body.

4. Chelation therapy It is a process that helps remove toxins such as heavy metals from the body. To clear the blood vessels so they can work more efficiently.

  • Chelation therapy It is a treatment that has received standard certification from the Office of Alternative Medicine. Thai Ministry of Public Health which has research supported by the United States Food and Drug Administration Certified as standard treatment for removing heavy metals such as lead from the body.
  • In addition, alternative medicine Chelation therapy is also used to complement holistic treatment for patients with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver, along with other main treatments such as Lifestyle adjustments, exercise, surgery, and medication

**For safety** Chelation therapy Should be under the supervision of a medical professional And do it only in standard medical facilities.

Reference documents

  • Péter S, Holguin F, Wood LG, Clougherty JE , Raederstorff D, Antal M, Weber P, Eggersdorfer M. Nutritional Solutions to Reduce Risks of Negative Health Impacts of Air Pollution. Nutrients. 2015; 7(12): 10398–10416.
  • Pollution Control Department

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