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Packages and promotions

Genetics pass cancer from generation to generation. Don't let the risk go from low to high. Program to screen for 51 types of advanced cancer from the earliest stages.

price ฿18,000.00 baht

W9 Anti-Pollution Package Examine and remove toxins deep to the tissue level. 39 inspection items “Don't let toxins accumulate in your body until they become chronic symptoms.”

  • Oligoscan test 1 time
  • Check Toxic Heavy Metal 1 time
  • Chelation Therapy service 4 times

price ฿31,500.00 baht


The important basis for having children comes from good health. W9 focuses on balancing health. Increase your success in conceiving using natural methods. and prepare before undergoing reproductive technology

price Original price was: ฿74,000.00.Current price is: ฿59,000.00. baht

Increase confidence to another level Measure the level of COVID-19 immunity after vaccination.

price ฿1,760.00 baht

In-depth health analysis program Selected to suit your lifestyle.

price ฿4,900.00 baht

NK Count & NK Activity Test check the number and efficiency of killer cells. Evaluate the working ability of NK Cells, which act as the first line of defense in eliminating viruses. like cancer cells

price ฿20,000.00 baht

NK Cell (Natural Killer Cell) คือเซลล์เม็ดเลือดขาวชนิดหนึ่ง คอยทำหน้าที่เป็นระบบภูมิคุ้มกันทำให้ร่างกาย ทั้งยังสามารถเข้าไปโจมตีอัตโนมัติแบบ 1:1 ไม่ต้องรอระบบภูมิคุ้มกันสั่งการ เมื่อร่างกายมี NK Cell ต่ำลง หรือไม่มีประสิทธิภาพ จึงเป็นการเพิ่มโอกาสความเจ็บป่วย และความเสี่ยงในการติดเชื้อสูง ซึ่งอาจพัฒนาไปสู่โรคร้ายอย่างเซลล์มะเร็งได้

Package level: in-depth intestinal balance check in order to supplement with probiotics that the body lacks. It will help solve the problem more directly.

price ฿19,000.00 baht

Food Intolerance Test It will be a test for latent food allergies from IgG antibodies, which are caused by foods that we often eat. or eat regularly during that time will cause the test result value to be especially high The results of this Food Intolerance test will help us diversify our food intake.

price ฿26,500.00 baht