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Program to check vitamin levels in the body, 20 items

Analysis of vitamin content Antioxidants and essential minerals in the blood, a total of 20 items, for precise vitamin supplementation according to the needs of the body

price ฿19,800.00 baht

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Program to check vitamin levels in the body

Program to check vitamin levels necessary for the body Check the balance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Because vitamins and minerals are essential organic substances. To life, it is important for the normal functioning of our body. for the body to function in balance andThe body cannot create or synthesize vitamins on its own. Therefore, vitamins can only be obtained from food or dietary supplements.

This program is suitable for
  • General public over 18 years of age
  • People who want to know the levels of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body. and necessary for the immune system
  • People who are easily fatigued, get sick easily, have frequent colds, or have allergy-like symptoms.
  • People who do not eat all 5 food groups or are vegetarians
Check your body's balance with the vitamin testing program.

It measures the amount of vitamins. and antioxidants that are necessary for the body 20 items Which affects the body's functioning in many systems and helps prevent the risk of disease. Measuring the levels of these vitaminsIt makes us aware of what vitamins our body lacks. In order to be able to choose to supplement that vitamin that our body lacks exactly at the point. To promote the body Able to work with balance

  • Wellness Consultation: physical examination and consultation by a doctor
  • Body Composition Analysis: Measuring body composition.
  • Vitamin A (HPLC) measures vitamin A levels.
  • Vitamin C (HPLC) measures vitamin C levels.
  • Vitamin E (HPLC) measures vitamin E levels.
  • Gamma Tocopherol checks gamma vitamin E levels.
  • Beta Carotene: Check beta carotene levels.
  • Alpha Carotene measures alpha carotene levels.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (HPLC) checks coenzyme Q10 levels.
  • Lycopene, check lycopene levels
  • Lutein measures lutein levels.
  • Zeaxanthin measures zeaxanthin levels.
  • Beta-Cryptoxanthin Check beta-cryptoxanthine levels
  • Calcium checks calcium levels in the blood.
  • Magnesium checks magnesium levels in the blood.
  • Vitamin D3 checks vitamin D levels.
  • Folate, check folate levels
  • Zinc checks the level of zinc in the blood.
  • Copper checks the level of copper in the blood.
  • Selenium checks the level of selenium in the blood.
  • Chromium checks the level of chromium in the blood.
  • Serum Iron checks the amount of iron in the body.
Conditions for receiving service 
  • Stop taking any vitamins or dietary supplements you are taking at least 3 days before receiving the service.
  • We reserve the right to change conditions without prior notice.
  • The above service fee includes doctor's fee and nursing fee.
  • Make an appointment before receiving service.
  • Waiting time for test results: 2 weeks

Service branches

  • Praram 9 Hospital Branch
    • Phone number: 092-9936922
    • Line: @w9wellness
    • Opening-closing hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs.
  • Ploenchit Center branch
    • Phone number: 099-4969626
    • Line: @wploenchit
    • Opening-closing hours: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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