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Complete Hormones Package

Holistic hormone balancing program for corrective restoration at the point For delaying aging and decay Call back to youthfulness again.

  • วิเคราะห์ระบบฮอร์โมนเชิงลึก ครอบคลุมกว่า 15 รายการ
  • รู้ทุกปัญหาของอารมณ์แปรปรวน ซึมเศร้า นอนไม่หลับ
  • หาสาเหตุที่แท้จริงของอาการอ่อนล้า
  • หาสาเหตุของความเสื่อมต่างๆ ในร่างกาย
  • รู้วิธีปรับความสมดุลของระบบเผาผลาญ
  • ปรับสมดุลฮอร์โมนเพศ เพื่อคุณและคนที่คุณรัก

price ฿19,800.00 baht

More details

Complete Hormones Hormone balance analysis program 15 items for comprehensive anti-aging

becauseMaintaining stable hormone levelsor decrease as slowly as possible Even as the age increases, that is the guideline.Helps delay aging in a sustainable way.Another way is because various hormone levels All are important hormones thatHelps the operation of various systems The body can still have the same efficiency as during adolescence. As a result, having a good quality of life (Quality of Life) for as long as desired is a reality.

An in-depth health analysis program selected to suit a lifestyle like yours.

Complete Hormones Package

  • Wellness consultation Physical examination and consultation by a doctor
  • Body Composition Analysis Measuring body composition
  • Testosterone testosterone hormone
  • Estradiols estrogen
  • Progesterone progesterone hormone
  • FSH Hormones that control ovulation
  • LH reproductive hormones
  • DHEAS adrenal hormones
  • SHBG Hormone transport proteins
  • Thyroid Hormone Thyroid hormones 3 items
  • PTH parathyroid hormone
  • Insulin hormone insulin
  • Cortisol stress hormones
  • IGF-1 growth hormone
  • IGFBP-3 growth hormone transport protein
Measure the level of hormone balance in the body, only 19,800 baht Personalized Vitamin

Conditions for receiving service

  • We reserve the right to change conditions without prior notice.
  • Includes doctor's fee and nursing fee.
  • Make an appointment before receiving service.
  • Waiting time for test results: 2 weeks

Service branches

  • Praram 9 Hospital Branch
    • Phone number: 092-9936922
    • Line: @w9wellness
    • Opening-closing hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs.
  • Ploenchit Center branch
    • Phone number: 099-4969626
    • Line: @wploenchit
    • Opening-closing hours: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.


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