Holistic health check program that covers all systems. Including checking toxin levels, hormone balance, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels. Including various inflammatory markers
suitable for People with chronic health problems for which the cause cannot be found or those who want to take preventative health care In addition to the annual basic health check.
price ฿59,000.00 baht
Longevity Package Holistic health check program that covers all system inspections including basic health examinations Hormone, vitamin, and inflammation levelsin various systems suitable for People with chronic health problems for which the cause cannot be found or those who want to checkPreventative health balancethat goes into more depth than general basic health check-up programs
Answers to comprehensive, cost-effective health problem prevention, improving quality of life in every lifestyle.
Value 1: Find the root cause of health problems. unknown cause
Value 2: Individualized analysis of the balance of intestinal microorganisms.
Value 3: Measure the quality of cell function in the immune system.
Free Personalized Vitamins & Probiotics for 1 month
suitable for
Service branches
Analysis of vitamin content Antioxidants and essential minerals in the blood, a total of 20 items, for precise vitamin supplementation according to the needs of the body
price ฿19,800.00 baht
Analyze the balance in the detoxification process. Through measuring the amount of organic acids that are excreted in the urine. which can reflect the functioning of the body in many systems
price ฿18,500.00 baht
Just 1 test, know up to 36 types of allergens.
Blood testing for allergens with high accuracy (Specific lgE testing) along with planning guidelines Lifestyle adjustments based on individual test resultsby expert doctors
price ฿6,500.00 baht
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