Microbes in the gut control fat metabolism. When the microorganisms in the intestines are out of balance? There will be chronic inflammation throughout the body. and leads to obesity and insulin resistance. We can reduce belly fat by balancing the intestines.
Check for risks and people with health problems as follows
Who is it suitable for?
Read more details Good health starts with a strong gut.
Service branches
Holistic health check program, 68 items
Signagure Vital Program ที่ครอบคลุมการตรวจทุกระบบ ทั้งการตรวจพื้นฐาน ระดับฮอร์โมน วิตามิน และการอักเสบในระบบต่างๆ
Suitable for people with chronic health problems that cannot be determined. Or those who want a preventive health balance check that goes more in depth than the basic health check program.
price ฿39,000.00 baht
Analysis of vitamin content Antioxidants and essential minerals in the blood, a total of 20 items, for precise vitamin supplementation according to the needs of the body
price ฿19,800.00 baht
Genetics pass cancer from generation to generation. Don't let the risk go from low to high. Program to screen for 51 types of advanced cancer from the earliest stages.
price ฿18,000.00 baht
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