Microbes in the gut control fat metabolism. When the microorganisms in the intestines are out of balance? There will be chronic inflammation throughout the body. and leads to obesity and insulin resistance. We can reduce belly fat by balancing the intestines.
Check for risks and people with health problems as follows
Who is it suitable for?
Read more details Good health starts with a strong gut.
Service branches
Analysis of vitamin content and antioxidants in the blood, a total of 10 items to supplement vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Exactly as your body needs Promotes the body to work more balanced and efficiently.
price ฿8,500.00 baht
Holistic health check program that covers all systems. Including checking toxin levels, hormone balance, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels. Including various inflammatory markers
suitable for People with chronic health problems for which the cause cannot be found or those who want to take preventative health care In addition to the annual basic health check.
price ฿59,000.00 baht
Just 1 test, know up to 36 types of allergens.
Blood testing for allergens with high accuracy (Specific lgE testing) along with planning guidelines Lifestyle adjustments based on individual test resultsby expert doctors
price ฿6,500.00 baht
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