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Irregular menstruation What you need to come monthly Why don't you come regularly?

Irregular menstruation We meet every month but have never met once. Something that many women probably encounter this problem often. Some menstruation comes and some doesn't. But I would like to say that these initial symptoms should not be overlooked. Because it may be a sign of serious disease. or some abnormal symptoms of our body right now Today we have signs of Irregular menstruation. Here are 8 warning signs of danger for women. Irregular menstruation It may be a common occurrence in women that many people should not overlook. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor for treatment before it becomes life-threatening. Normally, women's periods come every 21-35 days from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Until the first day of the next menstrual cycle. But there are many women whose periods do not come as scheduled. It became a two-month period. For three months Or has it become an annual thing? Some people experience lower abdominal pain 8-48 hours after menstruation. due to chemical secretion Causes contraction of the uterine muscles. And the arteries that supply the uterus are constricted along with back pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, loose bowel movements, headaches, chest pain, and also irritability and anxiety. These symptoms will disappear when the menstrual period ends. estrogen and the hormone progesterone It controls the build-up and peeling off. Moreover, both hormones are involved in ovulation from the ovaries in females. Hormone imbalance results in irregular periods. Balanced levels of estrogen and progesterone help rebuild the lining of the uterus. The endometrium peels off and turns into menstrual blood in the event that the egg is not fertilized. If the hormones in the body are not balanced It will result in the creation of too much endometrium. This causes a lot of menstrual blood. If the body does not ovulate normally [...]