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When the body is not as strong (strong) as before...want to have good love This matter must not be overlooked.

Know your face, don't know your heart. It is still a word that defines getting to know someone very well, especially a "lover." At first, vegetable soup was said to be sweet. Over time, problems were found that affected the relationship and made it bitter. such as problems with The sexual performance of men is often misunderstood. It's about getting older. But actually The problem of a man's lack of physical strength (strength) is not only related to age. but about many other systems within the body And if you don't hurry to fix it It might be bad for the relationship. low testosterone levels Testosterone, the hormone of male vitality. It plays the most important role in stimulating the expression of masculine characteristics. including sexual desire and sperm creation If testosterone is lower, it affects sexual performance. decreased as well Or there may be a condition of genital imperfection. and make quality and the amount of sperm can be reduced Some people have low testosterone levels before they are 30 years old due to genetic factors or lifestyles that affect the balance of sex hormones. cause sex hormones to fall Or as in people who are overweight Ideally, there will be high testosterone levels. But when the body carries too much weight for a long time It may cause the body to deteriorate. Inflammation occurs These things have an effect on the body. accumulated stress and can result in lower testosterone levels Stress It can be caused by stress from work that you know […]