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Hormone Balance Package

📢 ปรับสมดุลฮอร์โมนให้ชีวิตคู่สดใส! 💑

Hormone Balance Package
โปรแกรมวิเคราะห์สมดุลฮอร์โมนเพศ 7 รายการ
🔥 ราคาสุดคุ้มเพียง 13,800 บาท / 2 ท่าน

🎁 รับฟรี! Gift Voucher มูลค่า 2,000 บาท

โปรโมชันตั้งแต่ 1 ก.พ. – 31 มี.ค. 68
🎉 ซื้อเก็บไว้ใช้สิทธิ์ได้ถึง 31 ส.ค. 68

price Original price was: ฿15,800.00.Current price is: ฿13,800.00. baht

More details

Hormone balancing program that are necessary for the body's performance

Hormone Balance Sex hormone balance analysis program 7 items that are necessary for the body's performance

Creating a healthy balance An important starting point is balancing various hormone levels. Since sex hormones This is because hormones are the part that helps the body function in necessary systems. To work efficiently and work together systematically

so The balance of sex hormones is therefore important for the nervous system in regulating mood, sleep, and sexual performance. Including the body's energy generating system. For this reasonFinding the root cause of the imbalance will help treat the health problem.precisely to create sustainable good health 

🧪 Gender hormone balance check, 7 items, 6,900 baht
🩺 Hormone Balance, what is checked?

✅ Estradiols
✅ Cortisol
✅ Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
✅ Testosterone (M)
✅ Luteinizing hormone (LH)
✅ Progesterone (F)
✅ Fertility Hormone (FSH)

Conditions for receiving service
  • There is no need to abstain from food and drink before receiving the service.
  • We reserve the right to change conditions without prior notice.
  • ไม่รวมค่าแพทย์และค่าบริการพยาบาล
  • Make an appointment before receiving service.
  • Waiting time for test results: 2 weeks

Service branches

  • Praram 9 Hospital Branch
    • Phone number: 092-9936922
    • Line: @w9wellness
    • Opening-closing hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs.
  • Ploenchit Center branch
    • Phone number: 099-4969626
    • Line: @wploenchit
    • Opening-closing hours: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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📢 คืนพลังวัยเยาว์ให้คู่รักวัยเก๋า! 💖

Complete Hormone Package
โปรแกรมวิเคราะห์สมดุลฮอร์โมน 15 รายการ
🔥 ราคาสุดคุ้มเพียง 39,600 บาท / 2 ท่าน

🎁 รับฟรี! Vitamin IV Drip 2 ครั้ง มูลค่า 10,000 บาท

โปรโมชันตั้งแต่ 1 ก.พ. – 31 มี.ค. 68
🎉 ซื้อเก็บไว้ใช้สิทธิ์ได้ถึง 31 ส.ค. 68

price Original price was: ฿49,600.00.Current price is: ฿39,600.00. baht

Food Intolerance Test It will be a test for latent food allergies from IgG antibodies, which are caused by foods that we often eat. or eat regularly during that time will cause the test result value to be especially high The results of this Food Intolerance test will help us diversify our food intake.

price ฿26,500.00 baht

Holistic health check program that covers all systems. Including checking toxin levels, hormone balance, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels. Including various inflammatory markers

suitable for People with chronic health problems for which the cause cannot be found or those who want to take preventative health care In addition to the annual basic health check.

price ฿59,000.00 baht