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Revitalize & Bright Skin

Take care of your skin health Rehabilitate the structure Accelerate and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Makes the skin firm and not sagging.

Suitable for: People who want to repair their skin to make it firmer and firmer. People who can't take care of their skin properly. I don't have time to take care of myself. To revive the skin urgently

price ฿7,000.00 baht

More details

วิตามินบำรุงผิว Revitalize & Bright Skin ซ่อมแซมผิวลดความหมองคล้ำ ฟื้นฟูคอลลาเจนใต้ผิว ช่วยให้ผิวกระชับสุขภาพดี

Revitalize & Bright Skin ซ่อมแซมผิว ลดความหมองคล้ำ ฟื้นฟูคอลลาเจนใต้ผิวช่วยให้ผิวกระชับสุขภาพดี

Because in the present condition the skin is exposed to various pollutants and chemicals. The level of protection is reduced. Makes the skin look dull or wrinkle easily. Vitamin formula for this skin Will help make our skin Come back to shine. Helps restore collagen and increase the strength of the facial and body skin at the same time

Benefits of giving Vitamin IV Drip

  • Can be absorbed into the body more than 90%
  • You can avoid taking large amounts of vitamins.
  • Vitamins that enter the body can be used immediately.
  • Adds moisture to the body directly
  • Refresh Reduce fatigue
  • Increase the efficiency of the immune system

How good are our vitamins for the skin?

  • Contains antioxidants That helps reduce premature wrinkles.
  • Helps add radiance to the skin. Adds freshness to skin cells
  • Accelerate and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
  • Makes the skin firm and not sagging.
  • Restores dry, damaged skin from sunlight.
  • Build immunity Strengthen the body

Click to order now! LINE SHOPPING @W9 Wellness

**You can choose to mix formulas for the same price. Under the guidance of a doctor

Read program details Vitamin IV Drip

Conditions for receiving service:
  • No need to abstain from water and food before receiving the service.
  • W9 Wellness reserves the right to change conditions without prior notice.
  • ค่าบริการดังกล่าวไม่รวมค่าแพทย์และค่าบริการพยาบาล
  • Please call to make an appointment before using the service.
  • Service time: 40-60 minutes

Service branches

  • Praram 9 Hospital Branch
    • Phone number: 092-9936922
    • Line: @w9wellness
    • Opening-closing hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs.
  • Ploenchit Center branch
    • Phone number: 099-4969626
    • Line: @wploenchit
    • Opening-closing hours: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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Suitable for: People who want to strengthen the body's immune system, allergies, rashes

price ฿7,000.00 baht

วิตามินบำบัด ตัวช่วยเติมเต็มวิตามินและแร่ธาตุจำเป็นแบบเร่งด่วน ทางลัดของการฟื้นฟูและบำรุงสุขภาพให้กลับมาแข็งแรงเช่นเดิม

Suitable for: ผู้ที่มีอาการลองโควิด และผู้ที่ติดเชื้อโควิด

price ฿5,000.00 baht

Curcumin Vitamin IV Drip, a treasure trove of nature, has strong anti-inflammatory effects. It is a highly effective dietary supplement.

price ฿12,000.00 baht