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contaminated food Hormone Contaminated Food

contaminated food Hormone contamination in food, especially meat, eggs, and cow's milk products. which can be found more often in the food industry these days

For example, contaminated thyroid hormones as is currently in the news. It can cause symptoms of fatigue, palpitations, restlessness, confusion, insomnia, weight loss, hair loss, arrhythmia, heart attack, and even death because of contaminated food. Hidden with our favorite menus

In addition to finding thyroid hormone contamination in animals such as pork and chicken, We can also find contamination with other hormones, such as estrogen, growth hormone, or growth hormone accelerators. used to accelerate growth (anabolic hormones) and accelerate the reproduction of animals

which these hormones and contaminants Can interfere with the functioning of various systems in the body. Causing the entire hormonal system to be disrupted (Endocrine disruptors), resulting in abnormalities in many systems. The whole metabolic system circulatory system Immune system and nervous system, etc.

In addition, exposure to contaminated hormones from certain types of environment (Xenoestrogens) in the long term have been found to cause cancer. (Carcinogenic) as well

Holistic screening for hormone balance and a program to accelerate detoxification. (Detoxification) is starting to become more important in this modern era.

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