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Check for COVID-19 immunity after vaccination.

At this time, many people will probably begin to gradually book COVID-19 vaccinations. together more and more whether by Sinovac vaccination and AstraZeneca, but many people are still wondering whether immunity levels are actually increasing. Including many studies that have begun to reveal information about the increase in immunity levels after vaccination, showing that immunity is very good. causing many people to start wanting to Immunity check

To increase confidence to another level Therefore, we would like to recommend that we increase the measurement of immune levels after the COVID-19 vaccination to measure overall immunity and measure the work of white blood cells to see how effective they are. It is recommended that the test should be done 2 weeks or more after receiving the complete vaccine dose (2 injections).

Preliminary research results Clinical Research Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

  • Three to four weeks after the first dose of AstraZeneca, all volunteers were found to have immunity as high as those who had recovered from COVID-19.
  • After the first dose of Sinovac, it was found that the group's 75% had high immunity comparable to those who had recovered from COVID-19.
  • After the second dose of Sinovac, all individuals (100%) were found to have high levels of immunity comparable to those who had recovered from COVID-19.
  • It shows that after the first dose of AstraZeneca and the second dose of Sinovac, immunity is as high as that of patients who have recovered from COVID-19. The results mean that both vaccines are likely to be effective in protecting against COVID-19.
  • 75% of volunteers who received the vaccine had adverse reactions. With only minor symptoms such as muscle aches, fatigue, fever, headache, these symptoms can disappear on their own.
  • The AstraZeneca injection group experienced more adverse reactions than the Sinovac injection group, especially in younger people (<30 years).
  • Currently, we are examining the effects of immunity on various strains such as the British, African and Indian strains together with the Department of Medical Sciences. If the results are known, we will inform you next.

Check immunity against coronavirus

CMIAs are one of the serology laboratory methods for detecting antibodies. About COVID-19
which is accurate and sensitive to testing, gives quick results

How to measure immunity levels

  • Detected with CMIA (Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immuno Assay) technique.
  • It takes approximately 90 minutes to wait for results.
  • Should be checked 2 weeks or more after receiving the complete vaccine dose (2 injections).
  • The examination fee is 1,760 baht.

However, current vaccinations It is not yet known what level of immunity will be required. So it can prevent infection. “But what we know for sure is that if we have immunity We will be able to reduce the severity of the disease.”

Recommended program

วิตามินสูตรเสริมสร้างภูมิต้านทาน เสริมเกราะป้องกันของร่างกายให้แข็งแรงจากภายในลงลึกถึงระดับเซลล์

Suitable for: People who want to strengthen the body's immune system Not healthy Frequently tired, easily inflamed

price ฿5,000.00 baht

วิตามินเสริมภูมิคุ้มกัน ที่รวบรวมวิตามินที่จำเป็นในแต่ละวัน เพื่อช่วยให้การเสริมภูมิต้านและบำรุงร่างกายให้แข็งแรงจากภายในทำได้อย่างต่อเนื่องในทุกวัน 

  • Set of 4 vitamin capsules (1 pack has 30 packets)
  • รับประทานวันละ 1 ซอง
  • ส่งฟรีภายในประเทศเท่านั้น

price ฿2,800.00 baht

วิตามินที่มีผลการวิจัยรองรับล่าสุด ในการช่วยเสริมภูมิต้านทานให้ร่างกายแข็งแรงจากภายใน อย่างต่อเนื่องในทุกวัน

  • 1 jar of specially formulated vitamins (contains 30 capsules)
  • รับประทานวันละ 1 แคปซูล

price ฿990.00 baht

NK Cell (Natural Killer Cell) คือเซลล์เม็ดเลือดขาวชนิดหนึ่ง คอยทำหน้าที่เป็นระบบภูมิคุ้มกันทำให้ร่างกาย ทั้งยังสามารถเข้าไปโจมตีอัตโนมัติแบบ 1:1 ไม่ต้องรอระบบภูมิคุ้มกันสั่งการ เมื่อร่างกายมี NK Cell ต่ำลง หรือไม่มีประสิทธิภาพ จึงเป็นการเพิ่มโอกาสความเจ็บป่วย และความเสี่ยงในการติดเชื้อสูง ซึ่งอาจพัฒนาไปสู่โรคร้ายอย่างเซลล์มะเร็งได้

Increase confidence to another level Measure the level of COVID-19 immunity after vaccination.

price ฿1,760.00 baht

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