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How to work from home to be productive and healthy

For the first time in history, we all can help the nation. Help the world economy by just staying at home, working from home, going out only as necessary. Easy to say but difficult to do, right? In the past, we really longed for holidays. I thought that If you had to stop, what would you do? Today, everyone has that right now.

First point Working from home We don't have to waste time commuting, so we'll have more time in the morning.
Second point After work we didn't waste time traveling back. No need to stress about traffic jams.

The time we have has increased. Let's do something good. It's better to give it to yourself. The doctor has an idea to make everyone's free days become our Productive Health days.

1. Clean the refrigerator

Because good health begins in the intestines, so the food we eat Therefore it is the most important thing.

Check and clean the food in the refrigerator. What can you still eat? What has expired? We will know that How much food storage space do we have? and will plan what additional food should be bought

2. Gardening, planting trees on the balcony.

Who's at home? I had the opportunity to go out and do gardening, decorate the garden, cut trees and flowers, and come out and admire the garden that we didn't have time to take care of. For those who live in a condo It's time to take care of our condo's balcony. trees that were once planted Take it out to get sunlight. In addition to being able to relax from gardening. It also helps us to move our bodies, not be still. Some people hardly need to exercise at all. Gardening makes you sweat and you also get extra vitamin D from natural sunlight.

3. Cook your own food.

Did you know that there is a serious research study that The more times we cook our own food, How much more do you cook yourself? The more it affects weight loss. The more you can reduce the fat in your body. Because we found If we cook ourselves We will eat more vegetables. Eat more fresh fruit Reduce the use of MSG. (Read research references) So this holiday, you have the opportunity to take care of yourself by using food as medicine. Try it, we will get our own taste as well as health.

4. Fasting

Fasting for at least 16-18 hours, which is very popular among celebrities around the world. The principle is to give the body a break for the digestive system. Drink enough clean water. Give the body a rest to stimulate the detox process. (expel waste and toxins) at the cellular level. The more time we spend at home, during fasting We will also be able to prepare food for the first meal after fasting.

5. Plank

At this time we can't go anywhere. We can exercise easily at home. No equipment required.

There are many video clips on how to do a Plank correctly on Youtube. It's an exercise. Around the core of the body, 1-2 minutes a day, but it is very beneficial in terms of stimulating adrenal gland hormones. Build strong core muscles. stimulate metabolism And for some people who have back pain It will make your symptoms better as well.

“You see, just in your free time at home, you can do a lot for your body. We are tired of living a fast-paced life in the city for a long time. Use this time to take full care of yourself and your loved ones. Trust the doctor."

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