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Fat woman Risk!!(PCOS) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Belly fat, don't consider it normal.


Obese“Many women probably don't like anyone. But did you know that the cause of this abdominal obesity may be the risk of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) because it is the most common endocrine disorder in gynecology? It is commonly found in reproductive age groups around 25-35 years of age. If not treated promptly, it may cause infertility. Risk of having abnormally thick endometrium and endometrial cancer in the future.

Causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

The pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not fully established. Some studies believe that there is a complex genetic inheritance. (multifactorial etiology) or may result from abnormalities of many systems connected together in a chain cycle. including the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, as well as subcutaneous fat Which are classified into the main abnormal mechanisms as follows:

  1. There is a disorder that causes irregular ovulation. Menstrual irregularities occur and lead to infertility.
  2. There is an abnormality in the level or function of testosterone. Cause symptoms such as oily face, acne easily, hirsutism, etc.
  3. There is an abnormality in the functioning of the hormone insulin, which is involved in the process of glucose metabolism in the body. Puts you at risk of developing diabetes.

This condition is usually found in 5 -10 percent of women of reproductive age. If there is a history of PCOS in the family, they are at greater risk of developing this disease than the general population.

Check risk symptoms Polycystic ovary syndrome in women

  1. Menstruation with long intervals Come more than 35 days apart or come no more than 6 - 8 times per year.
  2. Missing menstrual cycle Didn't come for more than 3 consecutive cycles compared to women who had regular menstrual periods. Or not coming for 6 months in a row in women whose menstruation is irregular. Indicates a chronic state of not ovulating.
  3. Menstruation comes and goes. Too much for too long may cause the endometrium to become abnormally thick.
  4. Androgen overload That is, there is too much testosterone. Causes hirsutism More acne than usual, oily skin, baldness.
  5. Obese, very overweight Makes insulin resistant Increased risk of endometrial thickening Risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer

Risk of ovarian cyst disease in women If not treated quickly

  • There is an increased risk of thickening of the uterine lining and endometrial cancer. Often show abnormal symptoms inolder age or menopause which usually comes with irregular menstrual bleeding or coming more than usual or irregularly
  • There is a risk of developing diabetes. Among people with abdominal obesity due to higher than normal fat levels. If not treated, it will causeRisk of heart disease and stroke Such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, and paralysis will increase in the future.

How to calculate BMI


Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kilograms) / height (meters) x height (meters)

In addition to looking at our body's BMI Looking at the balance between muscle and fat is another equally important factor.

Guidelines for viewing and preventing polycystic ovary syndrome

Staying healthy It is the best way to prevent disease. Therefore, women should exercise regularly. Take a break and relax. Eating nutritious food Maintaining a normal weight will help a woman's body produce hormones in balance.

  • Control your weight to be within the appropriate range.
  • Eat nutritious food from all 5 food groups, emphasizing vegetables and fruits, avoiding starchy and high-fat foods.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Don't stress, make your mind clear. Because stress causes hormonal abnormalities.

In terms of preventive medicine treatment, we also have Holistic hormone balancing program That helps in balancing hormones that are necessary for the body's performance. Helps reduce risk and stay away from chronic diseases. There are a total of 15 tests. At W9 Wellness, we believe in balancing hormones. It is considered an important part of health care. Holistic Wellness To make your body complete in every system efficiently


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