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A Hidden Factor for Weight Loss: The secret that keeps you from losing weight.

How are obesity and toxins related?

"Obesity" It's a problem that many people face. People are facing And it is likely that
"Obesity" Found more and more every year. In all genders and ages

The main factor directly related to "obesity" is daily living behavior. Eating exercise But the case that doctors often encounter is that even though they can control their diet well, and exercise strictly But in some people, the weight does not decrease according to the target. The difficulty of losing weight is not the same for each person. Do you know why? The environment and toxins around us are all around us.

Today we live in a Toxin Environment and are exposed to toxins in one way or another. inevitably There are many medical studies that have found that toxins from the environment that we receive. Whether it's from eating food, from the air, from contaminants in containers. and from the environment That has both direct and indirect effects on our body. especially Interfering with the natural process of weight regulation in our body These chemicals are found in our daily lives, such as using plastic containers. Contamination from pesticides, heavy metals, air pollution, etc. Most of these toxins tend to dissolve well in fat (Fat - Soluble) and are stored in our fat cells.

If you are someone who has purposely lost weight, controlled diet, exercised but made very little change. or hardly decreased at all It may be due to factors of toxins in the body, because of chemicals, toxins that are contaminated in our body. Resulting in inflammation within the body. (Inflammation) creates more free radicals. and affects metabolism in the body By interfering with the process of hormones (Endocrine Disruptors), resulting in changes in the process of creating and burning fat. This causes the accumulation of fat in both the amount and size to increase. Including the location of fat deposits in various organs. All of which are factors that cause other chronic diseases. You can do the same.

In general, our body has the proper process of detoxifying toxins from the body. But because of the environment around us Our lifestyles, especially in big cities, cause us to take in more toxins. The body deteriorates quickly. Ability to process toxins (Detoxicification) of the body decreases. Causes the body to accumulate more toxins. Increase the process of creating inflammatory substances Affects various systems of the body, especially the metabolic process.


  • Holtcamp W. Obesogens: Environmental link to obesity? Environ Health Perspective. 2012 Feb;120(2):a62-a68.
  • Baillie-Hamilton PF. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis to explain the global obesity epidemic. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Apr;8(2):185-192.

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