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Be aware and deal quickly with thyroid toxicity!

Gaining weight for no reason Unintentionally losing weight Her body has changed to the point that people have to come say hello! It may not be a good thing for some people. Because that may mean a glandular disorder.

Irregular menstruation We meet every month but have never met once. This is something that many women probably encounter frequently. Some menstrual periods come and some don't.

Belly fat, don't look at it as normal. "Belly fat" many women probably don't like. But did you know that the cause of this abdominal obesity may be the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome?

Not getting enough sleep or staying up late can be an addictive behavior for many people. Maybe it's because I'm watching a movie for fun. Play courting games

“Young Coconut” is considered a fruit that is easily found in Thailand. If we look closely, young coconuts are often used as a symbol of freshness in the summer.

Hormones are chemicals that the body uses to communicate with each other. To control the body's balance in all systems. Including the metabolic system.

We have known for a long time that Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Its main function is to help the body absorb the minerals calcium and phosphorus from food. Helps maintain calcium balance in the blood

contaminated food Hormone contamination in food, especially meat.