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Liver and bile duct cancer, check first, know first, can be cured.

Liver and bile duct cancer It is considered the number 1 most common cancer in males and the number 2 in females. According to the Thailand Cancer Registry (2015), there were 20,671 new cases of liver and bile duct cancer, including 15,912 deaths. There are 2 types of liver cancer that are most common in Thailand: liver cell cancer and hepatic bile duct cancer. It is found mostly in the northeast and northern regions. We can prevent liver and bile duct cancer by changing our lifestyle, eating habits, and getting regular cancer screenings.

Source: Thai Cancer News

What is the bile duct and how does it get cancer?

The bile duct is responsible for transporting bile from the liver to be stored in the gallbladder. and brings bile from the gallbladder Released into the small intestine to aid in digestion. Cholangiocarcinoma occurs when normal bile duct cells become cancerous.

The main cause of bile duct cancer in Thailand

Caused by chronic liver fluke infection. This is caused by eating raw fish that are contaminated with liver flukes, such as carp, little white fish, bruised cheek fish, minnow fish, and snakehead fish. By making the menu Koi Pla Dip, Pala Pla Dip, Som Fish, Raw Pla Ra, or Pla Ra. These raw fish will have Liver fluke larvae live in the fish's flesh and on the scales under the fish's fins. The liver flukes will collect in the biliary duct. and cause inflammation When chronic inflammation occurs that causes cells to divide abnormally. It will cause cancer cells to follow.


If you observe carefully, you will find that Eating food prepared from this raw fish It is found frequently in the population in the northeastern region. Therefore, we found that the population in the northeastern region has more bile duct cancer than other regions. In addition, drinking alcohol regularly Exposure to aflatoxin poisoning caused by certain fungi found in foods such as beans, corn, and dried chilies, as well as the hepatitis C virus. It is an important risk factor that can cause liver cancer.

Types of bile duct cancer

Bile duct cancer can be divided into 2 types: bile duct cancer within the liver and bile duct cancer at the base of the liver and outside the liver

  • Bile duct cancer within the liver In the early stages, patients will not have many symptoms. Because the size of the lump is still small When the size of the lump becomes larger Patients will begin to have yellow eyes, jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss, or fever for no apparent reason.
  • Hepatic bile duct cancer or bile duct cancer outside the liver In the early stages of this type of cancer there may be no symptoms. Like bile duct cancer that is inside the liver. But when the size of the lump increases or becomes larger, it will be found that the patient has symptoms of bile duct stricture. or a blocked bile duct Symptoms include yellow eyes, yellow body, pale stools, itching on the body without a rash, no cause, weight loss, or fever and chills.

Symptoms of liver and bile duct cancer

The most common early symptoms are abdominal distension, regular bloating, fatigue, weight loss, pain or pain in the right ribcage. You may feel a lump in your abdomen, jaundice, yellow eyes, an enlarged abdomen, and swelling on both legs, etc. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately to get a diagnosis.

Treatment of liver and bile duct cancer

Currently, treatment for bile duct cancer can be cured. In cases where bile duct cancer is still in its early stages However, if the bile duct cancer has spread, it will be a palliative treatment. using chemotherapy and radiation In addition, if the patient has yellow eyes Very yellow It will advise the patient to have the biliary tract drained. By endoscopy or inserting a tube into the abdomen. To drain the patient's yellow blood To give patients a better quality of life


And today's medical technology has advanced greatly. Screening and alternative treatments It is another option that makes patients' lives better, including: Tumor screening program and 51 types of cancer (W9 Advanced Cancer Screening Test) Risk analysis program for 13 serious diseases and 21 common hereditary diseases (W9 Care Series) Treatment with mistletoe extract (Mistletoe Therapy) and Creating a 1:1 immune system to fight viruses (NK Cell Therapy) which has many treatment options depending on the evaluation of a medical expert and the suitability of each patient.

How can we prevent bile duct cancer?

Because bile duct cancer patients in Thailand It is often diagnosed at a late stage. Therefore, the treatment results will not be very good. Therefore, prevention of biliary duct cancer is more effective than treatment for patients with bile duct cancer in its later stages. We can prevent the disease by giving all newborns the hepatitis B vaccine. Do not eat raw freshwater fish. Avoid foods that contain carcinogens, such as foods that may be contaminated with aflatoxins. Foods containing saltpeter and fermented foods, including cancer screening every year It will make us aware of the risks. So that we can plan and manage treatment to the point.

“Because the best treatment It is that we do not wait for it to happen.”

If you suspect that you are at risk for liver cancer. You should consult a doctor immediately. to receive a diagnosis Especially those with chronic liver disease. or have a history of hepatitis You should get checked for cancer regularly. This will allow for timely treatment. and reduce the death rate from liver cancer

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