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Menopause, menopause The solution to women's health

As women age, various hormones will enter a state of decline with age, especially gender hormones because our ovaries naturally deteriorate. Normally, women enter menopause between the ages of 40-58. The average Thai woman will begin menopause at 48 years of age.

Causes of menopause (Menopause)

Symptoms of “menopause” occur because the ovaries stop working. Therefore, there is no production of sex hormones, especially the hormones Estrogen and Progesterone, causing the body to experience symptoms of menopause, whether

  • Skin that's starting to dry out Itchy skin 
  • hair loss 
  • Have vaginal dryness and burning sensation 
  • decreased interest in sex 
  • have mood swings 
  • Hot flashes cause sleep problems. 
  • have a headache Thought and memory deteriorate Some people have it to the point of having palpitations. 
  • I'm so worried that I can't work.

Nowadays, we find that more women are experiencing premature menopause. This causes a risk of obesity. Coronary heart disease including more osteoporosis

premature menopause What can be caused?

Premature menopause is also caused by genetic factors. The symptoms of illness, certain diseases such as anemia or low thyroid condition are also caused by the current lifestyle which plays an important role in accelerating the onset of premature menopause. The fact that we have to hurry and have too much stress results in abnormal hormones, including eating the wrong foods, such as eating processed foods. Causes a lack of vitamins and minerals. Especially the current food There may be a lot of pesticide residue. This causes more substances called Xenoestrogen to remain in the body and we canCheck for toxinsCan be accumulated

This Xenoestrogen substance, if accumulated in the body in large amounts, can result in an increased risk of cancer.

How to prevent premature menopause

Premature menopause can be prevented by taking care of it regularly. Health check and Hormone balance Regularly combined with choosing to eat natural foods or Supplement with dietary supplements that has high levels of antioxidants It is recommended to eat red-orange foods such as carrots and tomatoes. These contain important substances that help boost the immune system. And prevent cancer are the substances Beta carotin and Lycopene.

Reduced Hormone Estrogen causes a decrease in the burning of fat in the body. This makes menopausal women easily obese and have abnormal blood fats.

When the blood is drawn, it will be found that Good cholesterol or HDL decreases, bad cholesterol LDL increases. Therefore, menopausal women should be especially careful of eating foods that are high in sugar and high in fat. Avoid trans fats and increase your intake of essential fats. that reduce inflammation such as Omega 3 Omega9 derived from fish oil and flax seed pellets

In addition, eating foods that contain substances similar to the natural Hormone Estrogen, also known as Phytoestrogen It will make the symptoms of menopause reduce in severity.

Food that contains substances Phytoestrogen such as soybeans, tofu, and coconut water will find a substance called high Isoflavonoid that can reduce hot flashes during periods of hormonal imbalance. The recommended amount for prevention is 50mg per day, equivalent to eating 1 block of tofu per day or 1 soybean milk per day. 1 glass or box of soy milk per day

How do menopausal women take care of themselves?

A decrease in estrogen levels also results in a rapid decrease in bone mass. Normally, women's bone mass begins to decrease when they reach the age of 35, approximately 1-2% per year. But when they approach menopause, or menstruation has ended Bone mass decreases by as much as 5% per year, so preventing the risk of osteoporosis in women is important. This can be done by eating food or supplementing with substances that are high in Calcium and Vitamin D.

together with treatmentIntestinal microbial balanceSo that the intestines can absorb nutrients and produce Vitamins such as in the Vitamin B and Vitamin K groups as normal.

Eat enough protein to prevent muscle breakdown. Helps increase strength, helps with balance and prevents falls.

For foods that help with mood adjustment And preventing depression during menopause is important. You should choose foods that are high in Tryptophan, such as bananas and milk. It is recommended to eat 1-2 hours before bedtime to help you sleep comfortably. And can help Hormone Melatonin secrete normally.

Check balance menopausal hormones Know before you can prevent it.

Treatment and prevention of premature menopause is a detailed matter. The onset of ovarian decline occurs at different ages for each person. Each person's symptoms are different. Therefore, if you are wondering whether you are entering the hormonal transition period or not, you should consult your doctor.Check the balance of all hormone systems. In order to plan and prevent menopause with quality.

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