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Not enough sleep, insomnia, may be related to the microorganisms in the intestines.

Sleep helps repair various parts. of the body to get better, but not getting enough sleep causes depression, snoring, and extreme drowsiness during the day. Not able to concentrate during work Stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety. Including accidents, etc.

Not getting enough sleep may be related to the microflora in the intestines.

In the past, we only knew that the "intestines" had a role to play in "digesting food," but actually the intestine has a job related to sleep as well. Because of our intestines Can create a neurotransmitter called Serotonin (Serotonin) up to 80-90% of Serotonin that our body can create in the body. Therefore, the intestines can be compared to our second brain.

The person behind this is the microorganisms in the intestines. There are up to 100 trillion microorganisms in the intestines, or approximately 2 kilograms of weight.


Therefore, when the microorganisms in the intestines work in a balanced way, It will cause the creation of a substance called Short Chain Fatty Acid or small strands of fat. To stimulate the activity of cells in the intestine called EC Cells (Enterochromaffin Cells). EC Cells will also work in creating immune cells and a neurotransmitter called Serotonin.

When does our body have an imbalance in the functioning of our gut microbes? It will cause serotonin (Serotonin) to work unbalanced as well. It can cause problems with our sleep, such as

  • Can't sleep, often wakes up in the middle of the night (falls asleep and wakes up)
  • Easily irritated, restless
  • Feeling tired
  • Can't concentrate on work Woke up not refreshed.

And sleeping from now on will have an effect on emotional issues as well, such as 

  • Easily irritated 
  • Depressed 
  • or mood swings

But if you experience any of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you should suspect that you are having chronic insomnia, not getting enough sleep, and should seek counseling. that is safe and appropriate

Whenever we have these symptoms together with the risk factors that the doctor is going to tell us, that is

  1. accumulated stress
  2. Food, especially desserts Sugar substitutes, processed foods
  3. Toxins, heavy metals, plastics that are contaminated with food, drinking water, makeup, lotions.
  4. Medicines, especially antibiotics (antibiotics), antacids

When we neglect it for a long time It will cause the microorganisms in the intestines to become unbalanced. It will also have an effect on the creation of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

And in addition to sleep problems that directly affect the balance of microorganisms in the digestive system, types of food such as fatty foods, alcohol, and eating at the wrong time These are all factors that disturb the balance of microorganisms in the digestive system. From disturbing our body clock.


Therefore, anyone who has symptoms associated with these factors The doctor also recommended coming to check for an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines. So that we can plan the treatment correctly, we must point out

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