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Treat herpes and shingles to be calm with “ozone therapy”

Herpes vs. Shingles It is a disease caused by a viral infection. A group called Herpes simplex virus, although it is a different type But they are in the same germ group. The symptoms of herpes are clear blisters. It can be broken or not. Symptoms are quite painful, often appearing on the lips and tissues inside the mouth. Or the genitals As for shingles, it will be on its own. It can affect the entire body, including the face, nose, eyes, arms, back, and shoulders. Most often, it's just one side. It has the appearance of a long patch. But that's what it looks like. Part of this is caused by a viral infection that enters the nerve endings. or nerves So it has a long appearance. Nowadays, there is an option to treat herpes and shingles with ozone therapy. As we know it is herpes or shingles. Relatively difficult to treat and stayed with us for quite a long time Some people who are infected may not have symptoms for many years. And one fine day we were very stressed. Not getting enough sleep Resulting in a fall in immunity Such symptoms suddenly appear. With some other people, it happens often. It happens often. It shows that the immune system is not very good. This is considered a sign that our body's immunity has begun to decline. Because we often get herpes. It is considered that our health is beginning to deteriorate. It is a reflection of our immune system from within. Guidelines for preventing virus infection Preventing symptoms or the occurrence of diseases caused by any type of virus Including the herpes virus. That is, we have to make our immune system better and stronger. The basic guidelines for how to behave […]

Currently, cancer rates among Thai people continue to increase. From the Thailand Cancer Statistics Register 2023 by the National Cancer Institute reports that new cancer patients are increasing on average every day.

The older you get, the more constipated you become. Constipation can occur at any age. But it is more common and common in the elderly. In Thailand, up to 20-25% cases of constipation have been found in elderly people. If you look at older people, We will find that these people have intestinal problems. Whether it's digestion, bloating, constipation, what are the causes of constipation in the elderly? And how can we help solve the problem of constipation in the elderly? Source: Thai people are constipated. Department of Medical Services. Why do elderly people get constipated? The reason why elderly people get constipated is not just that they don't eat enough fiber. But it may be caused by the body's system changing. Metabolism starts to fail. Hormonal imbalances, such as decreased thyroid function Including the balance of microorganisms in the intestines that has decreased Because from age 40+, probiotics in the intestines begin to decrease. This causes the microorganisms to work poorly. Therefore, constipation occurs more easily in the elderly. Once we know this, we must look back at our lifestyle habits. We may begin to adjust our diet. adjust exercise Drinking water and balance the microorganisms in the intestines Because even though we think we eat all organic food But don't forget that Our body may not be suitable for that type of food. The older we get, the body and digestive system are no longer the same. Eating the same way may not be effective. Because the balance of microorganisms in the body has changed. And if it is good, it is recommended that the microbial balance should be checked. You will know which microorganisms your body lacks. We will have supplements to match our body and symptoms. for best results What are the causes of constipation in the elderly? Caring for intestinal health is considered an issue that should be given great importance in the elderly. Especially in the matter of food. exercise and maintaining a balance of microorganisms in the organism. And if we can know what kind of microorganisms our body lacks […]

Chelation therapy is the elimination or detoxification of heavy metals in the body. By giving substances intravenously In order to capture heavy metals from the body

Some cancers are genetically inherited. Normally, everyone has cancer-causing genes that are inherent from birth. But it doesn't cause cancer. It depends on whether the gene is mutated to cause cancer or not. Currently, genetic testing or

Insomnia, poor sleep, not enough sleep are health problems for people in today's era that are becoming more and more severe day by day.

I want to get pregnant. I want to have a child in the Year of the Dragon. It is another intention of many parents and couples who want their children to be born this year.

The current situation cannot be denied at all. We live our lives with more caution. Because since the virus arrived, many people have begun to take care of themselves more. Whether it's washing your hands often Wear a mask, keep your distance, and most importantly, keep your body healthy. Eat foods that promote the body's immunity. It is another way to reduce the risk or severity of various viruses and the immune booster that many people are looking for is inevitable. Immune boosting vitamins

What are probiotics? The human gastrointestinal tract is home to many different microorganisms. Both good and bad microorganisms Good microorganisms or bacteria are called probiotics.